Creating the Greenest County is now more important and more relevant than ever – going green, reducing carbon and protecting biodiversity are choices we must all be making.
The United Nations COP26 event in November will rightly focus on the international agreements that need to be in place, and the 2021 Creating the Greenest County Awards will bring this huge issue into a Suffolk focus and give us encouragement and inspiration to make changes to how we live our lives and secure a better future.
As Suffolk works hard towards its net zero carbon 2030 target, the Awards provide an excellent opportunity for individuals, businesses, communities, schools and voluntary organisations to be celebrated for the environmental work they do to combat climate change, or simply for improving the area where they live.
Nominations for the Creating the Greenest County Awards are now open and close on Thursday 14 October 2021. Nominations can be submitted online at

This year’s categories will include biodiversity and landscape, business, community, schools and waste and recycling, and we will be recognising our county’s green heroes.
Many individuals have taken it on themselves to lead the way in making change, voluntary organisations have formed to help transform their local communities and businesses are taking their environmental responsibilities even more seriously.
Since its inception in 2007, Creating the Greenest County has seen Solar PV generation becoming mainstream without government subsidy, the world’s largest wind farm operating from our coast and virtually no waste going to landfill. 500 businesses have been accredited and over 900 supported to develop carbon reduction plans and the county is embracing the move towards electric vehicles.
The Awards are a chance to celebrate the people, organisations and communities that are making Suffolk the Greenest County. This is a great opportunity to shine a light on anyone who inspires others to make Suffolk a better place for its residents and its wildlife.
It could be someone who has inspired you to live more sustainably, or an organisation which has transformed its business operations to be carbon neutral. The award ceremony will be held at The Hold in Ipswich on 12 November 2021.
Nominations for the Creating the Greenest County Awards are now open and close on Thursday 14 October 2021. Nominations can be submitted online at