Landscapes for All in Suffolk and Essex

The Dedham Vale and Coast & Heaths Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) Community Reference Group met for the first event at Flatford on Friday 12th May. The event took place in the Granary, a National Trust property.

17 representatives from organisations that represent diverse communities in and around Ipswich and Colchester were invited to the event despite there being a national rail strike. 

The event was presented by the Landscapes for All officer Jenny Moss and AONB Officer Claire Cadman of the AONB team.

The main theme of the event was about how the AONB team can make the Dedham Vale and Coast & Heaths AONBs more welcoming and accessible to a greater diversity of people.

The Community reference group received a presentation whereby followed meaningful discussions about the Landscapes for All project and how we can move forward together in a long term sustainable approach.

The Community reference group enjoyed a guided tour of Flatford provided by the National Trust and a visit to the RSPB Wildlife garden.

This was a Landmark event for the Landscapes for All project and the AONB team with all organisations having a very enjoyable day.

For more information, please contact our Landscapes for All Officer, Jenny Moss, at