The Dedham Vale and Coast & Heaths National Landscapes (formerly Areas of Outstanding Natural Beautys) are renowned for their tranquil landscapes. The dark skies of these National Landscapes are just one of their defining characteristics.
There are already two Dark Sky Discovery sites in the Coast and Heaths National Landscape. The Dedham Vale Society, with support from the staff team is working with the International Dark Sky Association to secure an International Dark Sky accreditation for the Dedham Vale National Landscape.
The ability to enjoy the areas’ dark skies is at risk from increasing development pressures, the use of inappropriate or incorrect lighting and from poor design that fails to consider sources of light pollution and effective mitigation.
To help conserve the dark skies of both these valued national landscapes, the AONB team commissioned Darkscape Consulting to produce a new Lighting Guide for the Dedham Vale and Coast and Heaths.
While the guide is intended to be used by developers, architects and planners, it will be of interest to anyone who enjoys star gazing and is keen to conserve our amazing night skies.
The Lighting Guide includes information about
- the most up to date standards governing lighting
- explores sources of light pollution
- provides practical information about appropriate lighting for specific type of development along with information on how best to mitigate light pollution.
You can read the Landscape Lighting Design Guide document online, or download it as a PDF. You can view all of our Planning guidance documents at