Nature enhancement update – December & January


Nature enhancement is a key part of our ongoing work to conserve and enhance the Dedham Vale National Landscape & Stour Valley. 

Here is a round-up from all of our nature enhancement projects and volunteer work parties for December 2024 & January 2025.

For more information about any of our nature enhancement work, you can email

1 Long Melford Floodplain Enhancement Project

We have completed a fantastic floodplain enhancement project which we delivered in partnership with the Environment Agency and a farmer in Long Melford.

The project is funded through the Water Environment Improvement Fund and it aims to make better use of floodwater and rainwater by capturing it to help create wet features on grazed pasture.

These features will be particularly beneficial for birds such as snipe, herons, egrets, teal, wagtails and green sandpipers. They will also provide much needed additional habitat for amphibians, reptiles, semi-aquatic flora and many insect species including dragonflies.

2 Work Parties at  – Tiger Hill – Assington

Many thanks to the volunteers that helped to carry out a variety of tasks, including the management of woodland edge habitat and grassland, tree planting and hedge planting.

Some of these activities in the long term will help to improve habitats for the hazel dormouse that inhabits the area. Many other species will benefit too such as Nightingale, Song Thrush and hedgehogs.

3 Hedge planting in Alphamstone

On the last day of the month, our volunteers put in another heroic effort and planted a new hedge on a farm in Alphamstone. The species planted such as crab apple, bird cherry and hawthorn will help to brighten the landscape with their blossoms and provide food for insects, birds and mammals.

4 Upcoming Tasks

07.02.25​Martlesham Wilds​Hedge planting​
14.02.25​Alphamstone​Hedge planting​
21.02.25​Martlesham Wilds​Hedge planting​
28.02.25​Giffords Hall – Higham​Giant Hogweed Control​
07.03.25​Cranes Hill Barn – Shotley​Stag Beetle Pyramid Building​
14.03.25​​Giffords Hall – Higham​​​Giant Hogweed Control​​
21.03.25​Coast & Heaths TBC​TBC​
28.03.25​Giffords Hall – Higham​​Giant Hogweed Control​​