
  • Farming towards Net Zero in the Dedham Vale & Stour Valley

    The Stour Valley Farmer Cluster is a group of thirty-four farmers managing around 8,500ha of land in and around the Dedham Vale AONB; the group started in a small way around 2017 before coming together more formally in 2019.  Most of the farms are mixed with arable land producing cereals for the brewing and baking…

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  • Essex and Suffolk Stour Valley 10 Rivers Project

    The Water Environment Grant Funded Essex and Suffolk Stour Valley Ten Rivers Project is now complete and will bring multiple landscape scale benefits to the River Stour catchment and wildlife in the area. A grant of £65,000 helped to implement a multi-faceted project that included planting thousands of trees, habitat creation, and improving water quality,…

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  • New life for the rare cotton-trees of Suffolk

    The magnificent black poplar trees have become increasingly rare in the landscape over time due to several factors. Helen Bynum from the Suffolk Tree Wardens Network explains more about these magnificent trees, why their numbers dwindled, and the exciting new interventions that are being carried out to conserve and restore Suffolk’s cotton-trees. Suffolk’s black poplars…

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  • Brand new AONB newspaper for 2022-23!

    Hot off the press! Our brand new, free AONB newspaper is now available to read online, or pick up a copy from 100s of locations around the area.This year our theme is climate change. Find out the impacts of climate change on wildlife, nature and the landscape in our special area, and what you can…

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  • New AONB award winner announced

    Adrian Silvertown has been named the winner of the Robert Erith National Landscape Award in the Dedham Vale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and Stour Valley Project area for 2021-22. The Robert Erith National Landscape Award celebrates and recognises the achievements of individuals, groups and organisations that have made an outstanding contribution to the…

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