
  • Wildlife set to flourish after project completion on River Stour

    A partnership project which will benefit a range of wildlife has been completed on the River Stour near Bures. The Environment Agency has been working with the Dedham Vale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and Stour Valley Project and a landowner on a river and floodplain enhancement. The project, which was funded through Defra’s Water…

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  • Up to £70,000 of grant funding is now open for applications

    The Sustainable Development Fund opens to applications for projects that benefit the Coast & Heaths Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) or the Dedham Vale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.  The Sustainable Development Fund is available to a variety of community and conservation organisations (or individuals) to support projects for the conservation and enhancement of…

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  • Agri-environment schemes and the future: How to get the best for your business

    Farmers, growers and land managers are custodians of the English landscape, and for generations they have helped shape and look after it as they feed the nation. There is a big positive change ahead: the Environmental Land Management Scheme (E.L.M.), which will be rolled out in 2024, will provide financial support as you continue to…

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  • Dedham Vale AONB and Stour Valley Management Plan 2021-26 Consultation

    The Dedham Vale AONB and Stour Valley Management Plan is a statutory document that will inform decision making in the nationally designated landscape for the next five years. The AONB really needs your comment to ensure that the area is conserved and enhanced for the next five years. The draft Management Plan is available to…

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  • New award launched to celebrate and recognise outstanding contributions to the Dedham Vale AONB and Stour Valley

    A brand new award has been launched in 2021 to celebrate and recognise the achievements of individuals, groups and organisations that have made an outstanding contribution to conserving and enhancing the Dedham Vale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and Stour Valley. The Robert Erith National Landscape Award will recognise the hard work and amazing contributions…

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