Partnership Members

Constable Country Rangers helping visitors at Dedham

For more than 20 years the Dedham Vale and Stour Valley Project has been at the heart of a partnership between local authorities, government agencies, national organisations and local people.

The aim of this partnership is to conserve and enhance the special qualities of the area. We cannot achieve this on our own.

It is essential that we continue to build upon the success of this strong partnership working, if we are to conserve the area for the benefit of future generations of residents and visitors.

The Joint Advisory Committee and Partnership work to a set of agreed guidelines which are available to download (PDF).

The National Landscapes Association

The National Landscapes Association provides a strong voice for its members, the UK's 46 National Landscapes.

As a national charity, they support the UK’s network of National Landscapes. Helping them to be as effective as possible. By bringing local teams and partnerships together, they create greater collaboration, unlocking progress towards our shared vision.

The Protected Landscapes Partnership is a collaboration in England between National Landscapes Association, National Parks England, National Trails UK and Natural England. The aim is simple: to build on our pre-existing collective activity to do more for our cherished, protected landscapes together than we would be able to do apart.

National Landscape Awards

The Robert Erith National Landscape Award aims to recognise and highlight the achievements of individuals, groups and organisations that have made an outstanding contribution to conserving and enhancing the Dedham Vale National Landscape and Stour Valley.

With the first award presented in 2021, this will become an annual award scheme. Award winners will receive a framed copy of a linocut print created by local artist, Jem Seeley, and produced by Drab Ltd featuring the Dedham Vale National Landscape’s iconic species, the Hazel Dormouse.

It is important to recognise the hard work and amazing contributions that people are making to improve the National Landscape, so it is better for wildlife, communities, and visitors.

The recognition of this annual award will hopefully inspire others to get involved in the Dedham Vale National Landscape and Stour Valley to ensure its outstanding landscape, wildlife, heritage and culture is protected for all to enjoy.