Designated Sites

Bluebottles in a forest

Photo credit: Steve Aylward

Our Outstanding Wildlife

Dedham Vale National Landscape and Stour Valley is a tremendous place for wildlife with many places recognised for their importance for wildlife on a local, national, European and global scale.

Such places have been given formal conservation designations such as:

  • Ramsar site – usually a wetland of international importance;Special Protection Area (SPA) – a site of European importance for rare, vulnerable or migratory birds.
  • Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) – an area that is of particular interest to science because of the rare plant or animal species it contains, or because of important geological features.
  • Local Nature Reserve (LNR) is a statutory designation made under the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949 by local authorities. LNRs are of local, but not necessarily national, importance.

See a list of the Designated Sites within the Dedham Vale National Landscape & Stour Valley (PDF).