The Dedham Vale AONB and Stour Valley Forum

The Dedham Vale AONB and Stour Valley Forum is an annual event where anyone with an interest and passion for conserving and enhancing the Dedham Vale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty can come together to discuss a range of issues affecting the area.

The 2021 edition had the theme Reflections on the past and opportunities for the future and took place on Thursday 17th June 2021. Due to the coronavirus restrictions, the event took place on Zoom.

Thank you to everyone who joined us. If you were unable to attend, or you would like to re-watch any of the presentations, you can do so on our YouTube channel.

Event Programme:

Reflections of the Dedham Vale AONB and Stour Valley Partnership chairman:

Cllr Nigel Chapman

Wildlife Recovery:

Alex Moore da Luz, AONB Nature Recovery Officer

What we have learnt from Court Knoll archaeology project:

Jo Caruth, project Manager, Cotswold Archaeology, Suffolk

Conservation and the Environment - A younger person’s perspective:

A selection of ‘voices’ from young people in the Dedham Vale Youth Rangers

AONB Grants & Funding:

Oka Last

Farming in Protected Lanscapes:

Claire Cadman & Alex Moore da Luz

Influencing visitor behaviours:

Paula Booth & Louise Dover

Planning considerations in an AONB and project areas:

Beverley McClean

Question and Answer Session:

All presenters and speakers

Summary and Closing Remarks

Cllr Nigel Chapman & Simon Amstutz, AONB Manager