Landscapes for All

Connecting communities with Landscapes

We believe that visitors and local communities of all backgrounds, ages and abilities should have equal opportunity to experience the Dedham Vale National Landscape.

Our events have been created to support community groups across Suffolk and Essex to enjoy and experience the wellbeing benefits of nature, enabling people to build prosperous, lasting relationships with our landscapes.

These events will provide opportunities for individuals to connect with the natural environment, enjoy the outdoors and learn why our landscapes are so important. Our events can be tailored to suit the needs of the groups taking into account interests and abilities.

Our Events

Riverside Rambles

Walking and talking near to or along a river is a great way to gain relief from stress and improve mental health, wellbeing and social interactions.

Woodland Wonders

Immerse yourself in a woodland landscape and learn about why it is so special and be inspired by the textures, patterns and colours.

Coastal Active

Getting active by the coast is a great way to improve mental health, wellbeing and fitness. Why not arrange a beach clean to help keep our beautiful estuaries and shore lines free from litter or a stunning coastal or estuary walk.

Volunteering Tasks

We have a variety of opportunities to get involved in, from practical conservation to beach cleans. Volunteer with us and make friends, learn new skills, get fit, fill a gap in your CV, get work experience and make a real difference.

Criteria for participation and transport funding

  • This events programme is open to Community groups that are engaging with or wanting to engage with the Landscapes for All Community Reference Group.
  • These opportunities are available to groups that need to attend with staff or volunteers to support the group and any additional needs. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
  • Times are flexible but we recommend 10am to 3pm to maximise your visits.
  • There is no cost for the delivery of the event. Simply choose the day and type of event you think is best for your group. Dates need to be flexible depending on staff availability.
  • Transport can be provided by minibus for a group size of up to 8 people and funding is available towards transport costs for larger groups accessing the National Landscapes by public transport (max group size 20).
  • Groups need to bring a picnic, water and suitable clothing, which doesn't need to be expensive kit.
  • Please contact Landscapes for All officer for more information and to book.

This project has been funded by the Suffolk & Essex Coast & Heaths and Dedham Vale National Landscape Sustainable Development Fund.