Practical Conservation Tasks

Volunteers help the Dedham Vale National Landscape staff team on conservation projects to increase the biodiversity within the National Landscape and wider project areas in the Stour Valley.
We hold regular conservation work days throughout the year. All you have to do is register as a volunteer and we will notify you when work days are happening so you can book your place on the task.
The volunteers regularly undertake practical conservation work. If you would like to work outdoors in the beautiful Dedham Vale, help your local environment and meet some new people, then why not join us!
We sometimes work on projects with community and corporate volunteers, so you may be working alongside such groups. Additional training is offered, for example in first aid, should you be interested.
You work for as long as you wish and at your own pace. Knowledge of landscape, heritage, wildlife and conservation is not needed, you can learn as you go along. All locations will have been risk-assessed beforehand and personal protective equipment is provided to ensure tasks are safe working environments.
Examples of jobs and tasks include:
- Habitat management and creation
- Biodiversity projects
- Tree and hedge planting
- Removing plastic tubes and guards from trees
These conservation initiatives are vital as they help the Dedham Vale National Landscape fulfil its commitment to the Colchester Declaration.
For more information on any of the volunteering opportunities and roles within the National Landscape, please contact Countryside Project Officer Emma Black or Nature Network Officer Alex Moore da Luz.
2024-25 Practical Conservation Volunteering Programme
Wednesday 5th February - Woodland Management
Help manage this ancient woodland for dormice and nightingales
Location: Arger Fen
Task Leader: Emma Black
Wednesday 12th February - Coppicing
Coppicing task to increase light into a new area of woodland. This will enable more plants to grow and provide better woodland structure.
Location: Tiger Hill, Assington
Task Leader: Emma Black
Friday 14th February - Hedge Planting
Location: Alphamstone
Task Leader: Alex Moore da Luz
Wednesday 19th February - Coppicing
Coppice hazel stools to let light in and encourage more undergrowth for wildlife
Location: Loshes Nature Reserve, Henny
Task Leader: Emma Black
Wednesday 26th February - Pollarding at Black Poplar Nursery
Help manage this ancient woodland for dormice and nightingales
Location: Alphamstone
Task Leader: Emma Black
Friday 28th February - Giant Hogweed Control
Location: Shelley / Higham
Task Leader: Alex Moore da Luz
Wednesday 5th March - Coppicing
Coppice hazel to encourage ore undergrowth to grow at this community site.
Location: The Nuttery, Clare
Task Leader: Emma Black
Friday 14th March - Giant Hogweed Control
Location: Shelley / Higham
Task Leader: Alex Moore da Luz
Wednesday 19th March - Coppicing/Tree Tube Removal
Removing tubes & coppicing will create better habitat for wildlife in new woodland
Location: Peter's Vale, Twinstead
Task Leader: Emma Black
Friday 28th March - Giant Hogweed Control
Location: Shelley / Higham
Task Leader: Alex Moore da Luz
For more information on any of the volunteering opportunities and roles within the National Landscape, please contact Countryside Project Officer Emma Black or Nature Network Officer Alex Moore da Luz.