Volunteer Registration Form

Please fill in your details in the form below, to register as a Dedham Vale National Landscape volunteer. Once submitted your details will be reviewed by one of our Countryside Project Officers, and they will be back in contact with you within five working days. If you prefer you can download the form (word document) and send it to us via post or email.

An under 18s form can be found at the bottom of the page. A parent or guardian will need to fill this out.


The information you provide will be retained on a password protected database only accessible by National Landscape Staff. Your details will not be provided to any other organisation or individual without your prior consent. I accept that I will no longer be registered as a Dedham Vale National Landscape & Stour Valley Volunteer if I have not actively volunteered and/or submitted any volunteer reports within a 12-month period. You can also view our privacy policy.

I accept that I will no longer be registered as a Dedham Vale National Landscape & Stour Valley Volunteer if I have not actively volunteered and/or submitted any volunteer reports within a 6-month period. I understand that if I wish to change these preferences I can contact the Dedham Vale & Stour Valley Team on 01394 445225 or dedhamvale@suffolkandessex-NL.org.uk.


I would like to register as a volunteer for Dedham Vale National Landscape & Stour Valley and agree to my details being retained for the purposes of their administration. I agree to follow all policies, health and safety risk assessments and guidance issued by the Dedham Vale National Landscape.

I understand that this volunteer agreement can be ended by either party and that neither this form nor any other agreement made in relation to the Dedham Vale National Landscape shall be deemed to be a contract.

The National Landscape should be kept up to date with all changes to personal details and any health conditions that will affect your volunteering duties.

Please be aware that we often take photos of the wonderful work that our volunteers do for sharing on social media/our website. If you do not wish to be included in photos then please make our group leaders aware and we will ensure you are not included in any photos .

If personal circumstances mean that you need to withdraw for a limited period, but you hope to return, please let us know so we can keep you on our records and include you in mailings. If you return this form to us via email, then your email will act as evidence of date and signature.

The address to post your registration form to is: Dedham Vale National Landscape & Stour Valley, Saxon House, 1 Whittle Road, Hadleigh Road Industrial Estate, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP2 0UH

Registration & parental consent form for under 18 volunteers to be completed by the parent/guardian

General Data Protection

The below information will be retained on a password protected database only accessible by National Landscape Staff for the duration of time the young person volunteers. Their details will not be provided to any other organisation or individual without your prior consent except for the Dedham Vale Youth Rangers whose details will be shared with the RSPB, National Trust, and Flatford Mill Field Studies Centre who will ensure the data is protected.

The National Landscape should be kept up to date with all changes to personal details and any health conditions that will affect volunteering. If you prefer you can download the form (word document).

If you return this form via email, or submit online, then your email will act as evidence of date or signature.