Landscapes for All

The Dedham Vale National Landscape is full of opportunities for everyone to enjoy nature. 


However not everyone knows what is available to them and therefore do not see the possible opportunities to enjoy and benefit from it due to certain barriers that they might face.

Just as biodiversity is important in the natural world, cultural diversity is important in our wider society. Natural beauty matters and it should be available to all.


Many reliable studies have uncovered positive physical and mental health outcomes associated with ‘greener’ living environments, including regular interaction with natural outdoor areas.

There is a lot of evidence from studies showing that accessing green spaces not only enhances quality of life but improves mental and physical wellbeing also such as lowering blood pressure, increasing cardiovascular health and improving overall mood.

What We Do

Connecting Communities with Landscapes

Our events will provide opportunities for individuals to connect with the natural environment, enjoy the outdoors and learn why our landscapes are so important. Our events can be tailored to suit the needs of the groups taking into account interests and abilities.

Guided Nature Walks with Free Rail travel

We want to give everyone the opportunity to experience these natural wonders for themselves, so are offering a series of guided nature tours including free rail travel at various locations across the National Landscape.

Community Engagement

Wellbeing in Nature Walks

Wellbeing in Nature Walks are monthly walks in the Suffolk & Essex Coast & Heaths National Landscape, which support people to improve their mental health and wellbeing by connecting with beautiful natural landscapes protected for nature.

Landscapes for All is about listening to our communities and working in partnership to enable everyone to enjoy nature. For more information about Landscapes for All, please contact National Landscapes for All Officer, Jenny Moss, using the following form: